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Participation in a event

A participant wants to take part in an event and offers to include a station / operating location which has a number of customers / suppliers.

The participant's station / place of business is then included in an overview and a plan is then drawn up for handling goods between all the stations / places of business and fiddleyards that are part of the event.

Event plan

An arrangement plan is then drawn up, which includes the registered stations and operating locations.

Coordination of material

After this, a requirements list is drawn up of which trains, which types of trains and which locomotives are to be used for the operation.

The individual participants then bid with suitable equipment, of course with the associated vehicle card.

Coordination of goods

In coordination with the freight plan, a plan is drawn up for the number of freight trains serving the individual stations / operating locations.

The user of the station/operating site can then start planning the number of wagons to be used.


Arrangørerne udarbejder en køreplan som indeholder alle togtyper, og som er tilpasset de deltagende således at alle tog kan afvikles inden for en bestemt tidsplan.

De deltager som agerer lokomotivfører, henter en køreplan/job fra en køreplansbunke, som indeholder alle togene.


Hver lokomotivfører følger de enkelte køreplaner og løser de opgaver hvert tog har.

For rangerende godstog er det lokomotivføren der rangerer med strækningslokomotivet eller anden lokal rangerlokomotiv, på alle de driftsteder hvor der er gods til / fra.