DMJU 2022
we had brought a 208 square meter exhibition stand, which consisted of a modular system set up as a "walk-around system" with 2 large stations, 1 step board and 1 grate.
- grate:
- a fictitious station where many trains have their starting and ending point
- a fictitious station which can be the great abroad, to and from which freight trains and passenger trains can be sent
- station:
- a real place on the layout where the multiplication and reduction of goods trains is made
- a real place on the layout where many of the passenger trains stop on fixed routes
- step board:
- a stop / end point where, in this case, all passenger trains reversed their direction of travel
Every hour we showed a smaller timetable with passenger trains and freight trains, which included elements such as timetables, wagon cards and freight cards and how the individual parts function in a model plant, large or small;
- timetable - to show how things are tied together
- wagon card - to display data for the individual vehicle
- freight card - to show what the individual freight wagons contain and where they are going, empty as well as full