§ 2. Purpose and Operation of the Association
The association "Foreningen For Moderne Modeltog" offers interested parties the opportunity to
to increase interest in and disseminate knowledge about model railway operation on modules in the size ratio 1:87, H0 / DCC direct current to the club members.
to provide members with the opportunity to meet and hold events or other relevant activities in accordance with paragraph 1.
§ 3. Membership
Anyone who is interested in supporting the association's purpose and is over 15 years old can be admitted as a member.
Registration takes place by contacting the chairman. Membership is valid when the member has paid the dues.
Membership is valid until the end of January of the following year. The first 12 months are a mutual trial period.
A member who is in arrears with dues or other debts to the association does not have the right to vote at general meetings and member meetings or the right to receive services from the association.
§ 4 Exclusion
The board can exclude a member who is deemed to work against or otherwise damage the association's purpose or reputation.
Exclusion of a member is effective from the time the decision is communicated in writing to that member.
An excluded member has the right to appeal the exclusion for final decision at the next Annual General Meeting. The General Assembly deals with exclusion cases under s. 5) on the agenda. If 2/3 of the votes cast at the general meeting are in favor of exclusion, it is valid. An expelled member has the right to be present at the general meeting during the time the expulsion is being considered. The person has the right to speak, but not the right to vote.
If a member is excluded and applies for membership again, this can only be done at the ordinary general meeting, which must approve the admission with 2/3 of the voting members.
§ 5 Membership types and dues
The association has junior members from 15 to 18 years of age and adult members.
Ordinary members have all rights. Junior and trial members have all rights, but no voting rights.
The dues for all membership types are adopted at the ordinary general meeting and come into force at the following year's dues collection.
The fee applies to the calendar year and is charged in advance of each financial year. It is due for payment on February 1 of the current year.
§ 6. Arrears and termination
Cancellation is made in writing to the treasurer, either in writing in a letter or as an e-mail. Prepaid quota is not refunded. Any arrears will not be deleted.
In case of non-payment of the quota no later than February 1 for the current year.
In case of behavior harmful to the association or exclusion.
Upon deletion of the membership list due to non-payment or death.
§ 7. Board of Directors
The association is managed by a board of 3 members consisting of chairman, treasurer and secretary. The board is elected at the ordinary general meeting with chairman and board member in odd years and treasurer in even years. In addition, an alternate is elected each year for one year.
The entire board is responsible for the use of grants and assigned premises in accordance with the Public Information Act and Kolding Municipality's guidelines. It is thus the entire board of directors that must sign the annual accounts.
The board is responsible to the general meeting. Decisions are taken by simple majority of votes and in the event of a tie, the chairman's vote is decisive.
Members with voting rights are eligible for election to the board.
If any member of the board resigns during the year, the deputy is called in. The board then constitutes itself until the first general meeting.
The Board shall adopt its own rules of procedure.
Board meetings are held as often as the chairman or 2 board members deem it necessary and are called with at least 7 days notice. The meeting has a quorum only if there is a quorum. After two unsuccessful calls 14 days apart, the meeting has a quorum with more than 50 percent of board members present. If a board member does not meet after five calls at least 14 days apart, that person is considered to have resigned from the board. However, this does not apply in case of accidental maturity.
The board is responsible for the management of the association and must act in all respects as good business practice dictates. When establishing a business relationship of significant or not more precisely defined scope, the board must expressly secure proof that the co-contractor is aware of the association's laws.
§ 8. Accounting, auditing, financial responsibility
The treasurer keeps the association's membership register and accounts and makes collections and payments in accordance with these and has, pursuant to this bank power of attorney.
The association's accounts follow the calendar year. The completed financial statements from the past year must be available with the accompanying auditor's endorsement before the ordinary general meeting.
At the ordinary general meeting, one auditor and one deputy auditor are elected for 1 year at a time. As auditor and deputy auditor, board members are not eligible for election.
The association is liable with all its assets for the fulfillment of the association's debt obligations. The individual members cannot be held personally liable for any debt owed by the association.
The association is not liable for private equipment used at association events.
The individual members cannot commit the club in any way without authorization from the board.
The chairman has subscription rights for the association.
Taking out a loan, entering into any leases and other major financial dispositions must be adopted by the general meeting.
§ 9. General Assembly
Any general meeting must be convened with at least 21 days notice through written convening by letter/email. The agenda must be sent to the members at the same time as the notice of the general meeting. The general meeting can be held in whole or in part virtually, provided that members who do not have the equipment to participate virtually are given the opportunity to participate physically.
Ordinary general meeting is held every year before the end of March
following agenda:
Selection of conductor
Election of two vote counters
The chairman's report on the activity in the past year
Presentation of the audited accounts for approval
Processing of proposals received from the board and members
Determination of quotas for subsequent years
Election of board members and alternates in accordance with § 7 subsection. If it is not possible to elect a capable board, new elections are attempted carried out for all board positions under the current board.
Election of attachment inspector and deputy attachment inspector in accordance with § 8 subsection 3
If necessary. The general assembly is the association's highest authority in all association matters. However, event and activity planning is delegated to member meetings. The general meeting has decision-making capacity regardless of the number of participants, except in the event of the dissolution of the association. Elections and proposals that do not concern changes to the articles of association, exclusion and dissolution of the association are decided by a simple majority vote.
Participating members have the right to vote at the general meeting, cf. §3 subsection 4 and § 5 par. 2.
In voting, each member has one vote. In the case of elections to the board of directors in accordance with § 7, individual votes are taken for all elections. All votes must be in writing, if only one member so requests. The name to be chosen for the vote in question is written on the ballot paper. If a member proposed for election is not present at the general meeting, that person can only be elected if the conductor is in possession of the person concerned's written undertaking.
Adoption of proposals for changes to the association's statutes requires a voting participation at the general meeting of at least half and a majority of 2/3 of the votes cast.
Proposals that wish to be dealt with under section 5) must reach the chairman no later than 14 days before the General Assembly.
§ 10. Extraordinary general assembly
An extraordinary general meeting must be convened according to the same rules as for an ordinary general meeting.
An extraordinary general meeting is called when the board deems this necessary, or when at least 1/3 of the members request this in writing to the board. Only full members cf. §3 subsection 4 and § 5 subsection 2, can participate in request and voting. The extraordinary general meeting must be held no later than 30 days after the petition.
At an extraordinary general meeting, only matters listed in the agenda can be dealt with. Proposals for consideration must be in the hands of the board at the latest together with the submitted request. An extraordinary general meeting is held according to the same rules as an ordinary meeting, starting with the item on the agenda. 1 and point 2.
The board convenes with at least 14 days' notice through written notice by letter/e-mail.
§ 11. Members' meeting
The association's event and activity planning is delegated by the general meeting to the member meetings. The member meetings plan events, participation in fairs, workshops and excursions.
Member meetings are planned in the association's activity calendar, but in addition the board can call as necessary.
Resolutions are decided by a simple majority vote in an open vote.
Proposals to be considered at a future members' meeting must be received by the board 30 days before the meeting is held. The agenda and any proposals are sent to the members at the same time as the notice.
§ 12. Dissolution of the association
Determination of the dissolution of the association can only take place at the third extraordinary general meeting convened for this purpose. At least 30 days must elapse between the holding of each extraordinary general meeting.
For the adoption of proposals on the dissolution of the association and changes to the rules regarding the dissolution of the association, at least half of the members entitled to vote must be present and at least 3/4 of these must vote for the dissolution.
In the event of a decision to dissolve the association, the association's assets are realized and the profit goes to Kolding Sygehus Hospitalsklovne.